Larry Randolph

Contributor to The Physics of Heaven

Larry Randolph comes from a long line of preachers and began his own ministry when he was 5 years old. At age 21 he had a dramatic encounter with the Holy Spirit which launched him into a global prophetic ministry. Larry has been deeply involved in various renewal outpourings since the 1960’s and is the author of the widely acclaimed books, User Friendly Prophecy and Spirit Talk. Larry’s chapter is excerpted by Ellyn Davis from an audio interview.

User Friendly Prophecy

Now you can learn the basics of prophecy and how to prophesy in a book that’s written for you! Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned believer, this book will stir up the prophetic gift God placed inside you and encourage you to step out in your gifting.


Spirit Talk

Spirit Talk is a valuable guide into the realm of spiritual communication and the lost art of hearing from heaven. It shares the “language” of God – how God speaks to us in colors, numbers, smells, feelings, visions, audible or visible words and how we can interpret what he speaks to us in prophetic words for ourselves and others.

Buy the book The Physics of Heaven!